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Pianoconcert Bert van den Brink

4 October 2022 van 19:30 - 21:00


4 October 2022
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A unique, jazzy piano concert in the Knights’ Hall of Muiderslot Castle! Did you know that Muiderslot Castle is the oldest stage still in use? On 4 October, in the Accessibility Week, pianist Bert van den Brink will give a jazzy concert in the castle’s 17th-century Knights’ Hall. 

About Bert van den Brink

Bert van den Brink, born blind, started piano lessons as a five-year-old boy. His talent was soon discovered. At the age of seven Bert had lessons from Jules de Korte and a few years later from the director of the The Hague Conservatory. By now, it’s hard to imagine contemporary jazz music without Bert and his versatility is widely praised. He is not only a pianist, but also a composer, arranger and producer.

Practical information

  • The doors are open from 18:30 hrs and the program starts at 19:00 hrs
  • Tickets are available here. A ticket is 25 euros and 20 euros for students.
  • The evening will be moderated with short introductions in Dutch, however the musical sphere is indeed the highlight of this special occasion.